Lots of personnel changes means The Lazy Gardener is not The Lazy Wine Steward. Since I travel from site to site filling in, it's been an especially busy time for me. This is the first week I've had time to breathe, and I'm essentially taking a 3-day weekend.
We had a few nice days a week or so ago (honestly, I've lost track of time), and everything in the yard just seemed to pop. Because of our unseasonably cool weather, a lot of the performers in our yard are a little behind. The Lilacs didn't seem to last as long as usual this year, same with the Dogwood and Golden Chain. The Mock Orange is almost blooming (2 weeks later than usual) and so is the Mountain Laurel.
Remember last month when I planted some seeds in the egg cartons? Yeah, I fried them in the garden window without having remembered to water them for a few days. This was during the freakishly hot weather last week. Incidentally, forgetting to water is why most of my house plants eventually died.
We bought a new minor appliance, which I will write about in another entry.
I'm hoping for a break in the weather to finally got my starts in the ground and a few weeds pulled. The weekend (Mother's Day) I usually plant the tomatoes and such, it was far too wet. The following weekend was far too hot, and I was afraid they would wilt or fry. I don't even care if there's a light drizzle, I will plant my starts. This is Oregon after all. I was born and raised here, so I should hardly let a little rain stop me.
Mother's Day was a little different this year. Normally, The Queen and I go down to Salem to Schreiner's Iris Gardens to stroll through the gardens and purchase 12 cut stems of various iris for a ridiculously small amount of money. But, knowing what was, and wasn't, happening in our yard, I called ahead of time to see what was happening in their gardens. They, too, are about 2 weeks behind.
So instead, The Queen wanted to go to Ikea. Ikea opened a Portland store last year, and she has admired some of the attractive, affordable kitchen paraphernalia Cal and I have purchased. And she was also interested in their ridiculously inexpensive tasty breakfast that I rave about. Breakfast was eaten (I had Swedish Pancakes--yum!), shopping and browsing commenced, and The Queen was duly impressed with amount of goodies she bought for such a small amount of money.
That night, I went with 6 of my friends to see Kids in the Hall, the Canadian comedy troupe extraordinaire who recently reunited and are currently touring. Four of us have been huge fans since...well, a long time (the other 3 in the group were significant others.) A few of us have even had a contest going to see how many Kids we could meet before they die ("Better hurry, then," as Dave Foley told Paige when she met him on the set of "NewsRadio" some years back.) Kevin and Bruce have been the elusive ones, although honestly, since we met Dave, Mark, and Scott in 2000, we have settled into our adult lives and haven't had the time or money to travel around fulfilling a silly dream.
...This time, however, our silly dream came to us.