If you answered, "put in a new floor, order new cabinet doors, then paint the kitchen which ever color we wanted regardless of the color of the floor," then I have to commend you for knowing The Husband better than I do.
Seriously, we put in a new floor on Thursday, and finished up the edges tonight. It's not as daunting a task as it sounds, really. We didn't have to pull up the old floor; we just tore out the rubber edging, spread down a cement-based spackle to fill in the grooves, then installed the self-adhesive 12x12 vinyl tiles. Since our plan is to completely enlarge and remodel the kitchen in 5 years, we didn't spend a ton of money or anything, just went with something affordable but attractive, and something we could install ourselves.
Here is our old floor. In case you were wondering, that's not real brick.
Here is the cement-y spackle goo we applied, so our new floor wouldn't have to see the hideousness of the old floor.
Here is a badly-lit picture of our new floor, mostly installed. The Husband swears "it looks just like marble, " and that it reminds him of an ice-skating rink. It doesn't to me, but I still like it.
The next step is paint the walls. Well, technically...the next step is to agree on a color to paint the walls. Wish us luck! (If you've ever done home-remodelling projects with a spouse or loved one, you know we'll need it.)
Wow! I'm impressed!
Actually, the answer I had in my own head was the same as the Husband's: We can redo the whole kitchen! Whoo hoo!
I like home improvement projects. As long as they can be taken care of in 10 days or fewer.
I LOVE THE FAUX BRICK!!! It is amazingly hip! -- um... totally kidding! New ice-rink look is def better!
Thanks, ladies!
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