Monday, August 06, 2007

Everything but the cabbage

I have been slightly neglectful in my posts, as I've had a busy summer working and happily entertaining out of town guests. But now we're getting into the home stretch of summer (well, okay. Maybe we're only rounding 3rd*) and there's lots happening in the yard. I hope to post at least twice more over the next week, but please don't hold me to it.

This post is dedicated to my less-than-bountiful harvest of the day. Being the lazy gardener that I am, I had planted some vegetable seeds a couple of months ago (maybe?) and then promptly neglected them. But today, I had enough. I went out and dug everything up in one bed and either composted them if they were beyond edibility (all of the woody, pithy radishes) or resolved to eat them in the next few days.After picking our first ripe slicers off the vines and grabbing a cucumber from the next bed over, the result was a delicious green salad. Except for the little bit of red cabbage, everything in the salad came from our garden. And it was delicious.

*You might be asking yourself, "The Lazy Gardener? Making a baseball reference? WTF?" and you would be in your rights. In case I have never mentioned it to you, I despise baseball. If baseball were any slower or more tedious to watch, it would be farming. As in sitting in a field waiting for the corn to sprout.


Amy said...

You might not hate baseball if someone gave you infield seats and you got to sit next to cute boys...

I'm speaking from experience.
Baseball is good.
(Well, not AAA -- that's just an exercise in spitting and scratching for 4 hours).

P.S. When you comin' over here?

Notorious Ph.D. said...

I had to laugh about the baseball comment. I've never understood the appeal. I mean, I went to a live game, once, and enjoyed it, but that was in large part due to the classic-ballpark atmosphere. People were friendly and fun and all that, but the game itself...

Anyway, that salad looks amazing. Nice going, lazy!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it awesome to have that first salad of the year made entirely from veggies you've grown??

Great blog, by the way!

hilary said...

Amy: I just saw you! Your yard looks so great! And no amount of cute boys will convince me that baseball is good.

Notorious:So you know what I'm talking about then. And the salad was very good!

Keri: Welcome! Thanks for the compliment. Yep, homegrown salad is about the best.