Thursday, March 13, 2008

Good thing I'm an amateur!

Redneck Mother says she read somewhere that "posting pet photos on your blog is 'unprofessional'."
Just as she did, allow me to thumb my nose at convention and professionalism.

Ladies and gentleman (or -men? Maybe?), I present to you Malcolm and Briscoe. Also known as "dopey attention whore" and "sullen, moody teenager."


Anonymous said...

Those are some professional-grade cutie pies there.

penguindevil said...

Yes, they certainly are cute! And I love the sneaky pose of that gnome, such a camera hog...

Beth said...

yay! cutie poochies!

I love that they look like they are smiling. such devils! :)

hilary said...

Yes, don't let their sweet faces fool you. They're Trouble.

DeeAnna Banana said...

OMG!!!! They are so cute I can't stand it. Did I show you a picture of Fatcha? She's a corgi and lab mix of some sort...I'll have to be unprofessional and put her on my blog. The cat doesn't count because apparently she is human.