Monday, April 14, 2008

What I Did On My 4-day Weekend (or Who Am I and What Have I Done With The Lazy Gardener?)

It could have gone one of 2 ways: Take 4 days off and sit around the house doing not much of anything except squishing ants in the kitchen (for serious) or take 4 days off and kick some serious boo-tay.

  • Took the dogs on a longer-than-usual walk
  • Went down to visit my grandfather and my cousin and her son who were visiting, too. Had lunch at Hometown Buffet. Didn't over-eat for once (although I could fill up on their fried okra, banana pudding, and chocolate pudding cake.)
  • Braved Winco for some lunch staples and the rest of dinner ingredients and the pet supply store for kennel bedding.
  • Mowed the front lawn after foraging in Loafland.
  • Cooked Cal an extra-nice dinner after an extra-hard week for him.
  • Took a walk with Cal and the dogs after dinner
  • Folded some laundry

  • Slept in a little bit (which means 7:30 in our house)
  • Cleaned up in the kitchen and started to reorganize the pantry
  • Finally planted some seeds in egg cartons to put in the garden window (I know I know...shouldn't I have done this a month or 2 ago? The answer, of course, is yes. )
  • Weeded the north-facing shade bed
  • Worked with Cal to get the vegetable beds ready for planting, which included getting the clover taken care of (the soil is super-great now)
  • Discovered that if you listen to the David Bowie station on Pandora long enough, you will hear Billy Idol. More than once. And Devo.
  • Mowed the backyard
  • Had a (mostly) one-sided conversation with some worms. Successfully convinced them that the dirt flower bed was a more comfortable home for them than underneath a root-bound Escallonia in a pot on top of a concrete slab.
  • Watched Cal wash my car (more exhausting than you'd think)
  • Got a sunburn on my shoulder (yes, I was wearing sunscreen. I missed a spot.)
  • With Cal, finished seating one of the big (about 4' x 4') planter boxes he made last year
  • Went to The Lucky Lab to join my friend Scooter for a birthday beer (his birthday, not mine)
  • Finished cleaning the kitchen
  • Cleaned out the inside of my car--Cal Shop-Vac'ed it for me
  • Did a little bit of weeding
  • Cal and I cleaned out the garage (a huge task, let me tell you) (It's almost unbelievable some of the things we saved: an empty yarrow seed envelope? A pair or work gloves with holes in all the fingers?)
  • Ran a couple of errands with my mom and then had dinner--our first time firing up the grill this year!
  • Discovered that listening to the Led Zeppelin station on Pandora makes us fit in almost too well in our neighborhood
(I definitely feel like I accomplished less on Sunday than I did on Saturday.)

  • Losing...steam...11 in the morning...haven't done...anything. Except eat breakfast.
  • I...
  • Um...
  • Oh, yes. I made a chocolate buttermilk cake with some leftover buttermilk I had.
  • Made some stew
  • Apparently, the day revolved around food.
The weather had turned from 70 degrees and sunny all weekend to 55 degrees and rainy and windy on Monday. I felt forced to stay inside. Actually, it was nice after so much activity Saturday and Sunday.

That, friends, concludes my 4-day weekend. It's back to work in the morning (and on Wednesday, a beer school course with the fun and fabulous Jamie Emmerson of Full Sail Brewing!) (I job sucks.)

1 comment:

penguindevil said...


That sounds more like an anti-weekend...