Sunday, September 16, 2007

Random is my favorite

Alright, House on the Corner Lady (a.k.a. Amy), I consider myself tagged:

6 random things about me

1. I love pets who are named human names, like Geoff, Reba, or Murray.

2. On the other hand, I hate movies and commercials where real animals (or human babies for that matter) are made to "talk."

3. I didn't get my driver's licence until I was 33 years old. I always thought that since I lived in the city, I could get around by bus, bike, and the kindness of strangers (actually, friends.) Also known as Driving Miss Lazy.

4. I used to have a horrible aversion to yellow cars. I absolutely abhorred them. At one point, I changed my bike route to work so I could avoid the 3 yellow cars that were always parked along the way.

5. In my 20 years in the work force, I have only worked for 3 companies (not counting college work-study.) I worked for the first company for 12 years; the second for 15 months; the third for 7 years (and counting.)

6. I have every ticket stub from every concert I've been to. They aren't all in one place right now, so if you asked to see them tomorrow, I would have to not answer the phone. But I swear I have them.

Not really all that interesting, but the request wasn't for interesting things, just random ones. Anyone know a good therapist?


Notorious Ph.D. said...

#4: I remember this! I also remember you telling me that school buses, for some reason, were exempt.

#6: Your job history has to be some kind of record. Or very nearly. Especially since they were in the same industry. I know the first and the third; What was the second?

penguindevil said...

Ah, the dreaded #2.

That is how I realized that Married With Children was going downhill.

hilary said...

'Rie: The 2nd was at that little wine and cheese and deli place, The Cheshire Cat.

Ash: Was there a down hill for that show? Did they have a talking baby or something?

Amy said...

I agree with #2 completely.
