Monday, October 01, 2007

Lazy Indeed

I apologize for my lack of posts recently, but life has been hectic lately. It's too much to go into right now, but I've been working a ton, and then there was that incident involving an all-female AC/DC cover band (Whole Lotta Rosies, not Hell's Belles) and free alcohol.

You know who hasn't been lazy? The Husband. He's off for 2 weeks before starting his new and much improved (we're hoping) job. But busy? My goodness, he's been busy. Among other things, he's talked to a dude (I believe it's what's called an "estimate") about insulating our attic and crawl-space; re-designed and re-fashioned one of the garden beds in the back which includes a now-much-larger water feature; made a grocery run and has many fine meals for us planned out; picked up paint swatches at Lowe's so I can make a decision about kitchen colors, after which he will paint the kitchen walls (I get to paint the cabinets myself); and has even found some time to loaf about.

If he ends up taking pictures of his handiwork, I will be sure to post them (and maybe give him credit.)

1 comment:

Notorious Ph.D. said...

Okay, your life has been way more interesting than mine. And your husband is a keeper.

(Secret word-verification: dacdtil: a cross between a daffodil and a pterodactyl)